Current Affairs

Prayer for 2024

Prayer for 2024

Daniel's Prayer in Daniel 9:4-19 in the Charles Thomson's Septuagint version of the Old Testament:...

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Just a Coincidence..

Just a Coincidence..

Childhood Vaccines 1983 = 10 vaccines 2013 = 32 vaccines 2022 = 74 vaccines Autism Rates 1983 = 1...

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Gog and Magog Part 1

Gog and Magog Part 1

Read Ezekiel 38 and 39 in the Septuagint Version of the Bible.  This will help you understand the...

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Teaching Milk

Teaching Milk

I had a former pastor friend of mine state to me that we live in the times of the spirit of...

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Bible Versions

Bible Versions

In Chapter 1, we covered Astronomy using five different versions of the Bible: Charles Thomson’s...

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Remember that it was Stephen, as he was about to be stoned to death, who declared Israel to be the...

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True Israelology

True Israelology

Is the Bible only about Israel or is it about the Jews, the Gentiles, and the Church?  According...

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Adamic Race (s)

Adamic Race (s)

Do we really all come from Adam? The majority of so-called Evangelical Christians believe that...

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What is Truth?

What is Truth?

Here are a few quotes with regard to TRUTH: My People (Laos in Greek used for True Israel) are...

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Thinking Out Loud

Thinking Out Loud

1. Jesus said He would pull His Wheat into His Barn. When is Wheat Harvested? Spring Wheat is...

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Rate of Infection

Rate of Infection

Today is January 10, 2022. As of today, there have ONLY been 667,390 cases of "Covid-19" in South...

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Dr. Francis Boyle

Dr. Francis Boyle

Here's the link to the latest interview by Dr. Francis Boyle with regard to the 300+ bio-labs that...

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