Dr Justin

Hi Everyone. WELCOME to my library. I am so pleased you visited. I don’t believe it was by accident. The God we serve is not in the business of accidents.
I feel a responsibility to start this journey with the following statement. The information contained in this library, WILL NOT make you comfortable. But then the truth never is. Approach it prayfully. Be a berean. Do you homework. But above all, let the Holy Spirit lead.
We stand together on John 8:32.
Then you will know THE TRUTH, and THE TRUTH will set you free. Only He can.
In my books, I examine the truth with regard to the eschatology of the Bible, the exclusiveness of Israel in the Bible, and where humanity is in the Bible prophecy timeline.
If you are interested in my books, you can download them here for free.
Or if you are interested in reading more about how I came to these conclusions, keep reading.
My library is a collection of everything I have read and collected over the years that has been pertinent to educating myself and coming to The Truth. This is the path the Lord has led me. I can only pray the Lord will use my journey to His glory – and this library, to reveal more of Himself to you – as He did for me. The Holy Spirit always, only, leads into Truth. All He asks is a willing heart. God bless you.

PLEASE NOTE: This site is a WORK IN PROGRESS. While we aim is to have all 4000 PDFs loaded as soon as possible, the archive is not as yet complete. Please bear with us during our initial launch stage. Thank you for your patience.

What’s Happening!?

Save the date, spread the word and stay-up-to date – diarise these upcoming events. To catch up with any events you may have missed CLICK HERE 

> THE DAILY PAUSE – With Ron Powers | 8 April 2024

In this series I’ll be chatting with Ron about the Book of Revelation from a Historicist point of view once held by the reformers, but now forgotten at our peril. 
WHEN: Beginning 8 April, every Monday for 10 weeks


Save the date! April 25th I’ll be chatting Biblical Eschatology with John B. Wells, host of the Caravan to Midnight talkshow. Don’t miss it.
WHEN: Thursday, April 25, 2024 from 9:30-11 p.m. (CST)

Stay up to Date with the latest News, Views & Interviews Follow us on Facebook or Twitter Now



A Who’s Who that may change the way we think about eschatology.


A study on the end times and the exclusiveness of Israel in the Bible


Our history as the true ancestors of the original Israelites



The Eschatology of An Exclusive Israel with British-Israel Bible Notes.


Lies the Babylonian Priesthood Tell Their Congregation


Lies The Babylonian Priesthood Tell Their Congregations


I have been a Bible Believer of The Way for a long time, have visited many denominational and non-denominational churches, and have heard many a sermon preached within those churches. 
And trust me, to this day, even Star Wars, which is pantheism, has made it into the church. Who would have thought?

It wasn’t until I started my Biblical education in 2003 at You Turn For Christ in Perris, California, that I started asking the hard questions. 

This book does not hold back. It asks those hard questions – and answers them, biblically.

For example, with regard to Ecclesiology, the study of church doctrine, are we worshipping YAHWEH/YAHSHUAH of the Bible, or are we worshipping another Christ?  How did Christianity become corrupted?

With regard to Eschatology, who are the real players?

With regard to calendars, do we use YAHWEH’s Calendar or the Pope’s and Muhammad’s Calendar?  How can we tell the season of YAHSHUAH’s Return?  Where are we in the Biblical Timeline?

This book will question everything you take for granted, from seed lines, to race, to who exactly is the Chosen Race.

Where are you on these subjects/topics?  Have you formed an opinion, or have you just relied on your Babylonian Priesthood to answer these questions for you?  Or, even worse, have you ever heard a sermon on any of these topics? 

If you want the truth on these subjects, then please read on…BUT, in the end, you are going to have to decide once and for all, are you really going to believe what the Bible teaches on these matters or dismiss what the Bible teaches and follow what modern culture teaches?



A Christ-centred Bible-based Recovery Programme from Life’s Hurts, Habits & Hang-ups!

 This book was written by my friend and mentor Pastor Robert ‘Bob’ Boysens.

Pastor Robert “Bob” Boyens’ motto was a simple one: “Commitment is when you eliminate all other options!”  He would also tell us that, “Information without application is mere conversation.”  Another good piece of advice was, “Never get too Hungry, Angry, Lonely, or Tired (H.A.L.T.).  At the end of every meeting, he would remind us to do a daily inventory to see how our thoughts and actions lined up with God’s Word, and he always said to us as we were leaving, “Put a smile on your face, a skip in your step, and a Praise the Lord on your lips.”

This was a man who had truly been there, done that, only on a magnitude 1,000 times worse than me.  I thought I had achieved a gold medal for my deviltry in life, but I was wrong.  For his deviltry, Pastor Bob had suffered three heart attacks and two strokes, and suffered from acute Neuropathy, (a direct result of 31 years of drugs and alcohol), while taking 16 different prescription medications to keep him alive.  In the Book of Revelation, John refers to this sort of Deviltry as Sorcery, which in the Greek is the word Pharmakeia, from which we get our English word, Pharmacy, i.e. DRUGS!

In January of 2020, I was able to meet with my mentor and best friend of 15 years, while he laid in a hospital bed at the V.A. in Loma Linda, California.  I was able to say “goodbye” to him on that trip face to face because I realized that I would probably never see him again in this world.  Unfortunately, I was right.  On April 8, 2020, Pastor Bob went to be with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  He was my mentor, best friend, and a great listener!  He always told me to remember that to be absent from the body was to be present with our Lord Jesus Christ!

Pastor Bob had been dealing with drugs and alcohol since he was 14 years old when he first got drunk, and after 31 years of abuse, he found himself one afternoon in his home in Poway, California, after a three day binge of Scotch, Marijuana, Amphetamines, and Quaaludes, holding his .44 Magnum and getting ready to commit suicide in his living room, when he heard a preacher on the TV say put your hands on the screen and repeat after me, and he gave the “Sinner’s Prayer.”  Bob instantly dropped his Magnum, put his hands on the TV screen, said the “Sinner’s Prayer,” and was saved by the Lord Jesus Christ at that very moment!  On top of that, he was instantly sober and clear-headed; it was a miracle because they had never watched Christian TV programs!

After that, Bob phoned his wife, “Mama Lou,” who told him to call his Pastor, whom he met with for four hours, after which the Pastor put Bob in touch with Gary Craig, the founder of Alcoholics for Christ, and his wife, Betty.  After eight months of 24 hours-a-day Bible study and landscaping with Gary and Betty, God raised Bob up as a leader in the program, and eventually Bob went on to start his own program after Gary died in 2011.  Since that time, Pastor Bob changed the format from Gary’s 12 Step Program to a 3 Step Program and has changed much of the Scripture verses that Gary used.  Pastor Bob had been blessed to teach the Life Recovery Program to as many as the Lord God sent his way.

I knew Pastor Bob as “Pop” for over 15 years, and I was blessed to be one of those that The LORD God sent his way…Thanks Pop!  I love you for what you did for me, and I miss you very much!  You were my soundboard, and no one can ever replace you!  You knew your Bible!




Hi Everyone! Here’s what I have read and collected over the years that has been pertinent to educating myself and coming to The Truth. I hope that this website helps you in your quest for Truth as well…there are (or will be when we finish loading) over 4000 PDFs in my archive. And counting. Simply select your area of interest from the category below – and off you go! 

Biblical Prophecy
Biblical Reference Library
Biblical Resource Library

Not sure where to start? A little short of time? May I suggest, you start here …  this is my MUST READ cheat sheet

History / Political Science
Survival Guides
Biblical Prophecy
Biblical Reference Library
Biblical Resource Library
Biblical Theology
Christian/Jacob/Israel Authors

Not sure where to start? A little short of time? May I suggest, you start here …  this is my MUST READ cheat sheet

History / Political Science
Survival Guides


Interviews, Videos & Podcasts

 We are of the generation the Lord spoke about in Matthew 13. 17: “For truly, I say to you, many prophets and righteous people longed to see what you see, and did not see it, and to hear what you hear, and did not hear it.” We are the generation born to witness the unfolding of Revelation.

So, as a watchman, with an understanding of ancient Greek, Hebrew and Aramaic, it is my duty to share unpopular insights and perspectives, based on the original text, perspectives once held by the Reformers, but now mostly forgotten.

If you are interested in listening to any of my interviews, podcasts, and videos, past or present, please visit my MEDIA PAGE. 
I hope you find these interviews enlighting, insightful and maybe just a little challenging. 

If you are interested in following my interviews, please follow my facebook and Twitter channels for updates. Like, follow or subscribe. That way you can stay up to date with all my news, thoughts, and insights regarding current events from a prophetic and biblical perspective.



We all know that main stream media is not the most trustworthy source of information. Through my years of research I have stumbled across some excellent source sites. I thought I would share them with you. I have divided them into 4 categories:

Alternative News Sites

View my A- Z of reputable Alternative News Sites

Christian/Israel News Sites

View my A- Z of Christian/Israel News Sites

Health News Sites

View my A- Z of reputable alternative Health News Sites

Other Websites

Simply select your category of interest, and follow me into a world of truth.