1. Jesus said He would pull His Wheat into His Barn. When is Wheat Harvested? Spring Wheat is...
9 in 10 Covid 19 Deaths are in Vaccinated People
There's a newly released report by the U.K. government that has confirmed that 9 out of every 10...
Valid Proof of Ethnic Bio Weapon Used
Last week, there was a round table discussion about the "jabs" with Dr. Lee Merritt, Dr. Reiner...
Rate of Infection
Today is January 10, 2022. As of today, there have ONLY been 667,390 cases of "Covid-19" in South...
Who was Yahshuah Really Sent to?
According to Matthew 15:24, Jesus Christ (Yahshuah) told the Canaanite (Syro-Phoenician) woman...
Worldwide Population Statistics
Overall, here are the world population statistics for the years of 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022: The...
Gene Modification Leads to Vaids-Marburg
Well, this red pill will be hard to swallow for those of you who have taken the "jab/jabs."...
An Open Letter to Americans – While You Were Sleepwalking…
While you were sleepwalking, you saw evil all around, but did not recognize it. You heard...
Which Bible in English is the Best Translation?
I have the following Bibles in my library and have used each one in my research for my new book:...
The Other Books of the Bible
Here's a bibliography of the "other books" of the Bible. For those of you who are hardcore...
Daniel 9:24-27 – The 70-Week Prophecy
The 70-Week Prophecy -Â Daniel 9:24-27 With regard to all future posts, I will be using Charles...
Morning Bible Reading Plan
Day #1: Proverbs 1 and Psalms 1-5 Day #2: Proverbs 2 and Psalms 6-10 Day #3: Proverbs 3 and Psalms...
Biography for the Books of Daniel and Revelation
THE BOOK OF DANIEL FUTURISM: Bonck, Allen. Daniel and the NATO Connection. Bloomington, IN:...
Charles Thomson 4 Volume Old and New Testament Set Translated from the Greek – 1808 Edition
The Septuagint Bible is the oldest Old Testament, which had never before been made available to...
Dr. Francis Boyle
Here's the link to the latest interview by Dr. Francis Boyle with regard to the 300+ bio-labs that...
Reiner Fuellmich and His Corona Investigative Committee Interviewing Attorney Todd Callendar
Hi Everyone! Here's the link to an awesome interview with the German Attorney, Reiner Fuellmich,...
Cobra Venom – The Serum of the Serpent in mRNA Vaccines
Hi Everyone! Mike Adams from www.NaturalNews.com has interviewed Dr. Ardis with regard to the mRNA...
Attorney Thomas Renz’s Interview with the Health Ranger Mike Adams
Here is the 2 part interview with Attorney Thomas Renz, who has been fighting against the "jab"...
According to Your Theology
I apologize for my absence. I just finished my third book and am working on the title right now....
The Men Who Wanted to be Left Alone
The most terrifying force of death comes from the hands of Men who wanted to be left Alone. They...