Hi Everyone! Let's talk about Babylon the Great and The King of Babylon... Here's Daniel Chapter 3...
Biblical Prophecy
Biblical prophecy consists of passages in the Bible regarded as messages from God delivered to humanity through prophets. According to the Bible, these prophets were inspired by the Holy Spirit to convey God’s words.
Hi Everyone! I've been working on a new book, and I got stuck on Zechariah 13:8-9 which states:...
This concerns ALL of U.S.
Hi Everyone! I just became aware of something very important that happened to all of us while we...
President George Washington’s Vision
Hi Everyone! President George Washington had a Heavenly Vision as recorded in the Library of...
Don’t Rewrite the Bible…
Before being called a "heretic," people ALWAYS say "stop rewriting the Bible." Why? Because it...
With regard to Calendars, do we use YAHWEH’s Calendar [which is based on the sun, moon, and stars]...
Teaching Milk
I had a former pastor friend of mine state to me that we live in the times of the spirit of...
Remember that it was Stephen, as he was about to be stoned to death, who declared Israel to be the...
Gospel of the Kingdom of God/Heaven
Are we truly preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom of God and of Heaven, or are we preaching another...
True Israelology
Is the Bible only about Israel or is it about the Jews, the Gentiles, and the Church? According...
The Anointed Seed: True Israel
Which race was chosen/anointed by YAHWEH, The Nations of Christian Jacob-Israel or the Israeli...
Adamic Race (s)
Do we really all come from Adam? The majority of so-called Evangelical Christians believe that...
Geocentrism/Flat Earth Part 2: What Secular Science Says
So, from a secular point of view, here are One Hundred Proofs That The Earth Is Not A Globe[1]:...
Geocentrism/Flat Earth Part 1: What The Bible Says…
Most of us learned astronomy in the 7th and 8th grades in Junior High School. But, why then? ...
Geocentrism/Flat Earth Picture
So, when children ask their parents why the sky is blue, they can say that the Bible states this:...
The Lies Pastors Tell Their Congregations
I have been a “Christian” for a long time, have visited many denominational and non-denominational...
Who is the Modern Canaanite?
Hint: Follow the line of Cain and Esau...
Who are the two seed lines and where did they come from?
Psalm 91
Psalm 91 - NIV 1 Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the...
Thinking Out Loud
1. Jesus said He would pull His Wheat into His Barn. When is Wheat Harvested? Spring Wheat is...
Who was Yahshuah Really Sent to?
According to Matthew 15:24, Jesus Christ (Yahshuah) told the Canaanite (Syro-Phoenician) woman...
Daniel 9:24-27 – The 70-Week Prophecy
The 70-Week Prophecy - Daniel 9:24-27 With regard to all future posts, I will be using Charles...
Biography for the Books of Daniel and Revelation
THE BOOK OF DANIEL FUTURISM: Bonck, Allen. Daniel and the NATO Connection. Bloomington, IN:...
According to Your Theology
I apologize for my absence. I just finished my third book and am working on the title right now....