Biblical Eschatology

Eschatology, derived from the Greek word eschatos meaning “last” or “final,” refers to the study of the end times, encompassing themes like final judgment and humanity’s ultimate destiny.

Though the term “eschatology” is not directly mentioned in Scripture, its concepts are deeply embedded throughout, from the Old Testament to the New Testament, culminating in the Book of Revelation. Scholars often argue that eschatology is central to biblical themes, including God’s covenant with Israel and His ultimate plan for humanity.

Biblical eschatology can be viewed on two levels: the overarching destiny of humanity and the individual’s journey. The Bible often addresses both, offering a comprehensive perspective on God’s divine plan.

The Book of Enoch

The Book of Enoch

Hi Everyone! Please watch the following video based on the Book of Enoch.  It will help you with...

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Hi Everyone! People are starting to wake up at a high rate of speed, even among the "Jews." Here's...

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October 9th

October 9th

Hi Everyone! I know that the hour is late.  However, please watch this film at...

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With regard to Calendars, do we use YAHWEH’s Calendar [which is based on the sun, moon, and stars]...

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The 144,000

The 144,000

Most "humans" are born with 2 strands of DNA, known as a Double Helix, which is made up of 2...

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Remember that it was Stephen, as he was about to be stoned to death, who declared Israel to be the...

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Adamic Race (s)

Adamic Race (s)

Do we really all come from Adam? The majority of so-called Evangelical Christians believe that...

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What is Truth?

What is Truth?

Here are a few quotes with regard to TRUTH: My People (Laos in Greek used for True Israel) are...

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Psalm 91

Psalm 91

Psalm 91 - NIV 1 Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High     will rest in the shadow of the...

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Types in the Bible

Types in the Bible

ABRAHAM (THE FATHER):                     THE LORD GOD SARAH (THE MOTHER):                        ...

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Thinking Out Loud

Thinking Out Loud

1. Jesus said He would pull His Wheat into His Barn. When is Wheat Harvested? Spring Wheat is...

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