Hi Everyone! According to Genesis 1:24, “A man is to leave his father and his mother and cleave to...
Esdras 6:9
Hi Everyone! Esdras 6:9 states: "For Esau is the END OF THIS AGE, and Jacob is the beginning of...
Prayer for 2025 – Psalm 6
Happy New Year Everyone! Here is the prayer for all of us to pray in 2025: Psalm 6 in the Charles...
What Are You Thinking About This Year?
Happy New Year Everyone! Every year, the majority of people always make a New Year's "Resolution,"...
Hi Everyone! Here's a Bitchute video website with regard to a brand new Yale University study with...
Help for the Jabbed…
Hi Everyone! For those of you who took the "Jab," there is help that is being offered. Please go...
Nurses on Covid 19
Hi Everyone! Here's the link for those who want more information on the "jab"! Enjoy the show and...
Hi Everyone! People are starting to wake up at a high rate of speed, even among the "Jews." Here's...
Stew Peters’ Occupied!
Hi Everyone! I just want to thank Stew Peters for having the courage to tell the TRUTH about the...
Through the Bible #9: The Pauline Epistles Part 2
Hi Everyone! In the last sermon, we covered the history of Paul, his First and Second Epistles to...
Through the Bible #8: The Pauline Epistles Part 1
Hi Everyone! As we know, YAHSHUA Jesus the Christ told His Apostles/Disciples what to do in Acts...
Through the Bible #7: The General Epistles
Hi Everyone! Today, we will discuss The General Epistles Acts 1:6 through 8 states, “When they...
Through the Bible #6: The Gospels and The Acts of the Apostles
Hi Everyone! Today, we will cover the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, as well as the...
Through the Bible #5: The Inter-Testamental Period
Hi Everyone! Most Pastors and Christians ignore the 400+ years between the Old Testament/Covenant...
Through The Bible #4: The Minor Prophets
Hi Everyone! Before we look at The Minor Prophets - just as a refresher, let’s review the last...
Through the Bible #3: The Major Prophets
Hi Everyone! Today, we are going to talk about Bible Prophecy, which makes up over 1/3 of the...
Through the Bible #2: The Pentateuch, The Historical Books, and The Poetical Books
Hi Everyone! Today, we will be looking at the Bible from a Legal point of view, in that we will be...
Through the Bible #1: What Is Truth?
Hi Everyone! I'm doing a sermon series of through the Bible. The Transcripts to these sermons are...
Can’t Sleep?
Hi Everyone! Here's an interesting medical article with regard to those who took the "jab" for...
Hi Everyone! I've been working on a new book, and I got stuck on Zechariah 13:8-9 which states:...
This concerns ALL of U.S.
Hi Everyone! I just became aware of something very important that happened to all of us while we...
President George Washington’s Vision
Hi Everyone! President George Washington had a Heavenly Vision as recorded in the Library of...
You are being watched…
Please watch the following video:...
Here We Go Again…
Hi Everyone! I just watched this Karen Kingston video on USA Watchdog.com:...
How to Improve Your Health Right Now
Do you not know that you are a Temple of God….
There Is A Time for Everything…
First things First
A Word of Encouragement to Overcomers
The Thorn in Paul’s Side
Hi Everyone! While I was putting a sermon together with regard to the Pauline Epistles, I came...
The Last Messiah
Hi Everyone! During the past 15 years, I've studied all of the monotheistic religions: ...
Marys versus Marthas
Hi Everyone! This is just a short blog - something for you to ponder on your journey with YAHSHUAH...
Covid-19 Jab Deaths in South Korea
Hi Everyone! I want to thank Dr. Sherri Tenpenny for sending this to me because I'm not hearing...
October 9th
Hi Everyone! I know that the hour is late. However, please watch this film at...
Hurricane Helene Victims Need Our Help
Hi Everyone! As you know, there was a hurricane that has destroyed many lives in the Southeast of...
Deuteronomy 28:15-68 – The Cursings
Hi Everyone! I just watched former Border Patrol J. J. Carrell, who wrote INVADED, just this past...
What do you think?
Hi Everyone! Just came across this website yesterday...rather provocative! What do you think? ...
Post Modern “Christians” and The Faith
John Wayne (1907 - 1979) summed up life perfectly when he stated: "Life is hard; it's even harder...
The Great Replacement – MUST LISTEN
The Great Replacement is no longer a theory -- it’s reality. Full speech, delivered by Eva...
Replicons Are Coming…
Hi Everyone! Please watch this video starting from the 7:00 minute mark. You're going to find out...
The Wrath of the Awakened Saxon
Hi Everyone! Get ready! THE WRATH OF THE AWAKENED SAXON by Rudyard Kipling It was not part of...
The Old World Order
Hi Everyone! You might want to check out this new film by Stew Peters on Rumble:...
Pastor Brad Cummings & Eclipses
Pastor Brad Cummings of https://thefoundersbible.com/ with regard to the Eclipses and the Devil’s Comet
YAHWEH’s Cursings for US Today
Deuteronomy 28:15-68 in the Charles Thomson Septuagint version of the Old Testament states: BUT in...
YAHWEH’s Blessings for US Today
Deuteronomy 28:1-14 in the Charles Thomson Septuagint Version of the Old Testament states: NOW it...
YAHWEH’s Message to Pastors Today
Ezekiel 34 in the Charles Thomson English Version of the Greek Septuagint (1808): AGAIN a word of...
YAHWEH’s Watchmen
Ezekiel 33:1-9 in the Charles Thomson English Version of the Septuagint (1808): AGAIN a word of...
Prayer for 2024
Daniel's Prayer in Daniel 9:4-19 in the Charles Thomson's Septuagint version of the Old Testament:...
Dr. Shiva’s Interview with Mike Adams Part 2
Hi Everyone! Here's the link to the second part of Dr. Shiva's Interview:...
Dr. Shiva’s Interview with Mike Adams re: Zionism Part 1
Hi Everyone! I suggest that you watch Part 1 of this interview with regard to Zionism. I will...
Albert Pike’s Letter in 1871 of Three World Wars
Hi Everyone! Below is the letter, apparently written by Albert Pike to Giuseppe Mazzini in 1871...
Vaccine injuries – 1000 peer reviewed articles
Hi Everyone! Sorry that it has been awhile. Here is a rather lengthy article on the adverse...
Dr. Shiva interview with Mike Adams
Hi Everyone! I had to watch this video twice! I was black pilled, so to speak!...
CDC Admits Masks Are Totally Useless
The CDC updated its position regarding different types of masks. The CDC says that while cloth...
Do Not Comply With Covid 2.0!
Here are the facts from the World Health Organization website: 2016-2017: 29 Million Flu...
Never Forgive Them for What They Were Going to Do…
Here's a graphic from January 2022, which shows what Democrats wanted to do to the...
Just a Coincidence..
Childhood Vaccines 1983 = 10 vaccines 2013 = 32 vaccines 2022 = 74 vaccines Autism Rates 1983 = 1...
Mayorkas says that Christians are a threat to America
A Description of Jesus Christ
To Tiberius Caesar: A young man appeared in Galilee preaching with humble unction, a new law in...
Meme of the Week
The Samson Option
Marxism at its Best
Gog and Magog Part 1
This will help you understand the expiration of Title 42…
In Their Own Words…
Need I say anymore?
Being Woke is the New Marxism
I suggest that you listen to this brilliant presentation about how being "woke" is Marxism and...
Don’t Rewrite the Bible…
Before being called a "heretic," people ALWAYS say "stop rewriting the Bible." Why? Because it...
With regard to Calendars, do we use YAHWEH’s Calendar [which is based on the sun, moon, and stars]...
Vaxxie, Vaxxie
Teaching Milk
I had a former pastor friend of mine state to me that we live in the times of the spirit of...
The 144,000
Most "humans" are born with 2 strands of DNA, known as a Double Helix, which is made up of 2...
Quenching the Spirit
What is wrong with today’s so-called Evangelical Christian churches. The Spirit is quenched. Period. End of subject. That simple.
Bible Versions
In Chapter 1, we covered Astronomy using five different versions of the Bible: Charles Thomson’s...
Eschatological Players
Bertrand L. Comparet (1901–1983), a former San Diego attorney and a pastor for forty years, stated...
Remember that it was Stephen, as he was about to be stoned to death, who declared Israel to be the...
Gospel of the Kingdom of God/Heaven
Are we truly preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom of God and of Heaven, or are we preaching another...
Yahweh’s Food & Health Laws
Who should we trust? Father YAHWEH and His Laws regarding food and health or the United States...
True Israelology
Is the Bible only about Israel or is it about the Jews, the Gentiles, and the Church? According...
The Anointed Seed: True Israel
Which race was chosen/anointed by YAHWEH, The Nations of Christian Jacob-Israel or the Israeli...
Genesis 3:15 Two Seed Lines
Here is Genesis 3 according to The Old Covenant, Commonly Called The Old Testament: Translated...
Adamic Race (s)
Do we really all come from Adam? The majority of so-called Evangelical Christians believe that...
Geocentrism/Flat Earth Part 2: What Secular Science Says
So, from a secular point of view, here are One Hundred Proofs That The Earth Is Not A Globe[1]:...
Geocentrism/Flat Earth Part 1: What The Bible Says…
Most of us learned astronomy in the 7th and 8th grades in Junior High School. But, why then? ...
Geocentrism/Flat Earth Picture
So, when children ask their parents why the sky is blue, they can say that the Bible states this:...
What is Truth?
Here are a few quotes with regard to TRUTH: My People (Laos in Greek used for True Israel) are...
The Lies Pastors Tell Their Congregations
I have been a “Christian” for a long time, have visited many denominational and non-denominational...
Name of the Fifth Book
Hi Everyone! The name of my fifth book will be: My People Are Destroyed For Lack Of Knowledge: ...
What Were You Injected with for “Covid-19”?
Where do you find these symbols in Christian Nations Today?
Who is the Modern Canaanite?
Hint: Follow the line of Cain and Esau...
Who are the two seed lines and where did they come from?
Who is the “Church in the Wilderness”?
Why is the Majority of the World “Christian”?
Where did the Apostles go and what are the nations called today?
Psalm 91
Psalm 91 - NIV 1 Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the...
The Wrath of the Awakened Saxon by Rudyard Kipling
"The Wrath of the Awakened Saxon" by Rudyard Kipling It was not part of their blood, It came to...
The Armor of God
A Poem from a fellow anon’s father upon passing
To preface this: my Grandfather on my Mother's side served in WWI; my Grandfather on my Father's...
Types in the Bible
Indoor Mask Mandate to End from January 30, 2023
FINALLY! I'm free of masks in South Korea, the last of the OECD Nations to do so...EXCEPT for...
Thinking Out Loud
1. Jesus said He would pull His Wheat into His Barn. When is Wheat Harvested? Spring Wheat is...
9 in 10 Covid 19 Deaths are in Vaccinated People
There's a newly released report by the U.K. government that has confirmed that 9 out of every 10...
Valid Proof of Ethnic Bio Weapon Used
Last week, there was a round table discussion about the "jabs" with Dr. Lee Merritt, Dr. Reiner...