Hi Everyone! Here's a Bitchute video website with regard to a brand new Yale University study with...
Help for the Jabbed…
Hi Everyone! For those of you who took the "Jab," there is help that is being offered. Please go...
Nurses on Covid 19
Hi Everyone! Here's the link for those who want more information on the "jab"! Enjoy the show and...
Can’t Sleep?
Hi Everyone! Here's an interesting medical article with regard to those who took the "jab" for...
Vaccine injuries – 1000 peer reviewed articles
Hi Everyone! Sorry that it has been awhile. Here is a rather lengthy article on the adverse...
CDC Admits Masks Are Totally Useless
The CDC updated its position regarding different types of masks. The CDC says that while cloth...
Do Not Comply With Covid 2.0!
Here are the facts from the World Health Organization website: 2016-2017: 29 Million Flu...
Just a Coincidence..
Childhood Vaccines 1983 = 10 vaccines 2013 = 32 vaccines 2022 = 74 vaccines Autism Rates 1983 = 1...
With regard to Calendars, do we use YAHWEH’s Calendar [which is based on the sun, moon, and stars]...
Vaxxie, Vaxxie
The 144,000
Most "humans" are born with 2 strands of DNA, known as a Double Helix, which is made up of 2...
Yahweh’s Food & Health Laws
Who should we trust? Father YAHWEH and His Laws regarding food and health or the United States...
Geocentrism/Flat Earth Part 2: What Secular Science Says
So, from a secular point of view, here are One Hundred Proofs That The Earth Is Not A Globe[1]:...
Geocentrism/Flat Earth Part 1: What The Bible Says…
Most of us learned astronomy in the 7th and 8th grades in Junior High School. But, why then? ...
Geocentrism/Flat Earth Picture
So, when children ask their parents why the sky is blue, they can say that the Bible states this:...
The Lies Pastors Tell Their Congregations
I have been a “Christian” for a long time, have visited many denominational and non-denominational...
Name of the Fifth Book
Hi Everyone! The name of my fifth book will be: My People Are Destroyed For Lack Of Knowledge: ...
What Were You Injected with for “Covid-19”?
Psalm 91
Psalm 91 - NIV 1 Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the...
Indoor Mask Mandate to End from January 30, 2023
FINALLY! I'm free of masks in South Korea, the last of the OECD Nations to do so...EXCEPT for...
9 in 10 Covid 19 Deaths are in Vaccinated People
There's a newly released report by the U.K. government that has confirmed that 9 out of every 10...
Valid Proof of Ethnic Bio Weapon Used
Last week, there was a round table discussion about the "jabs" with Dr. Lee Merritt, Dr. Reiner...
Rate of Infection
Today is January 10, 2022. As of today, there have ONLY been 667,390 cases of "Covid-19" in South...
Worldwide Population Statistics
Overall, here are the world population statistics for the years of 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022: The...
Gene Modification Leads to Vaids-Marburg
Well, this red pill will be hard to swallow for those of you who have taken the "jab/jabs."...
Dr. Francis Boyle
Here's the link to the latest interview by Dr. Francis Boyle with regard to the 300+ bio-labs that...
Reiner Fuellmich and His Corona Investigative Committee Interviewing Attorney Todd Callendar
Hi Everyone! Here's the link to an awesome interview with the German Attorney, Reiner Fuellmich,...
Cobra Venom – The Serum of the Serpent in mRNA Vaccines
Hi Everyone! Mike Adams from www.NaturalNews.com has interviewed Dr. Ardis with regard to the mRNA...
Attorney Thomas Renz’s Interview with the Health Ranger Mike Adams
Here is the 2 part interview with Attorney Thomas Renz, who has been fighting against the "jab"...