Through the Bible #5: The Inter-Testamental Period

November 14, 2024


Hi Everyone!

Most Pastors and Christians ignore the 400+ years between the Old Testament/Covenant and the New Testament/Covenant, and refer to them as the “Silent Years,” for the simple reason that Father YAHWEH did not say anything during this time period.

However, that is not TRUE!  Anyone who has read Daniel Chapters 2, 7, 9, 10 and 11, understands that Father YAHWEH laid out the 400+ years in advance with regard to the Seleucid and Ptolemaic Dynasties of the Grecian Empire from 331 to 143 B.C., the Hasmonean Dynastic Rule of Kings/Priests of Israel from 142 to 63 B.C., and the Roman Empire from 63 to 4 B.C., which brought about the Greco-Roman World into which YAHSHUA, Jesus the Christ, came into the first time.

In Daniel Chapter 2, King Nebuchadnezzar, the King of Neo-Babylon, dreamed a dream of a very great and lofty metallic image with a head made of pure gold; the hands and the breast and the arms of it were of silver; the belly and the thighs of brass; the legs of iron; the feet partly of iron, and partly of potter’s clay; with the destruction thereof on the feet by a stone rent without hands from a mountain.

The Prophet Daniel prayed to The God of His Fathers, and the meaning of the king’s dream was revealed to him.  The majority of scholars agree that these metals represent the following secular world empires:

The Pure Gold:     The Neo-Babylon Empire with King Nebuchadnezzar as its head (626 to 539 B.C.)

The Silver:            The Medo-Persian Empire (539 to 331 B.C.)

The Brass:             The Grecian Empire (331 to 143 B.C.)

The Iron:               The Roman Empire (63 B.C. to 476 A.D.)

The Iron and Clay: The 10 Kingdoms at the end of the Western Roman Empire into which it was divided by 476 A.D. and/or a combination of Rome representing the Iron and Islam representing the Clay.

The Stone:            The Kingdom of YAHWEH physically on this Earth

The key verse to this prophecy can be found in Daniel 2:44 which states, “And in the days of those kings, the God of Heaven will set up a Kingdom which shall never be destroyed; and this Kingdom of His shall not be left to another people.  It shall break in pieces and blow away all those kingdoms and shall Itself stand forever.”

In other words, somewhere between 606 B.C. with Nebuchadnezzar to 476 A.D. with the End of the Western Roman Empire and/or 632 A.D. with the Beginning of Islam after the death of Muhammad, Father YAHWEH set up His Kingdom on this Earth.  Remember that we had previously talked about II Samuel 7:16 which states, “His (David’s) House and His (David’s) Kingdom shall be established FOREVER BEFORE ME (YAHWEH) and his (David’s) Throne shall be raised up again FOREVER.”  And also, Jeremiah 33:17 which states, “For thus said The LORD; David shall never lack a man to sit on the Throne of the House of Israel;”

So, based on Daniel 2:44, 2 Samuel 7:16, and Jeremiah 33:17, somewhere in this world of ours, the Kingdom of YAHWEH has already been established and there is a King and/or a Queen ruling it today…I wonder which nation that might be?

In Daniel Chapter 7, The Prophet Daniel had a dream in which four great beasts came up out of the great sea.  Most expositors have always aligned the meaning of this Chapter to the same interpretation as that of the statue in Daniel 2, wherein the lion represents the Babylonian Empire; the bear with three ribs in its mouth represents the Medo-Persian Empire, which had conquered the Kingdoms of Lydia, Babylon, and Egypt; the leopard with four wings represents the Greek Empire under Alexander the Great and then being divided by his four generals, also known as The Diadochi, which is a Greek term for “successors,”  into four separate kingdoms after his death:

The King of the North: Seleucus Nicator who controlled Syria and all the provinces of upper Asia Minor;

The King of the South: Ptolemy Soter who controlled Egypt, Libya, Arabia, Palestine and Coelo-Syria;

The King of the East: Lysimachus who controlled Thrace, Bithynia and several provinces beyond the Hellespont, including the Straits of Bosphorus; and

The King of the West: Cassander who controlled Macedonia and Greece.

The empires of Lysimachus and Cassander were eventually conquered and absorbed by Seleucus and Ptolemy, thus bringing to pass the prophecies found in Daniel 11, which contain the whole history of the wars between the Seleucid Empire and the Ptolemaic Empire during the Inter-Testamental Period of the Bible;

With the Fourth Beast being Grecian with nails of bronze and Roman with teeth of iron, in nature, thus representing the Roman Empire, which had a lot of the characteristics of the Grecian Empire before it.

Two scholars by the names of R.K. and R.N. Phillips state that there is a problem with the previous interpretation. These four beasts are in the feminine tense in the Greek Septuagint Version of the Old Testament, and since the beasts are feminine, according to Bible Prophecy, that means that these four beasts represent three different religions and a fourth which is an amalgamation of all three of them.

IF this is so, then these three monotheistic religions would be Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, with Roman Catholicism, which believes in Ecumenism, wherein its goal is to promote unity among the Christian Religions, as well as all other Religions in the world.  Pope John Paul II (1920 – 2005) and Pastor Rick Warren of Saddleback Church were firm believers in Ecumenism and building bridges among and to all the religions of the world.  This interpretation is just something to ponder…

So, based on the prophecies found in Daniel Chapters 2 and 7, we have covered the years of 606 B.C. to 476 or 632 A.D., which definitely covers the general history of the Inter-Testamental Years of the Bible.

As previously discussed in the sermon on the Major Prophets, we covered Daniel 9:24 through 27, i.e., the Prophecy of the 70 Weeks (the 490 Years), which covered the time period of 458 B.C. with the decree of Artaxerxes Longimanus to rebuild the street and the wall in Jerusalem to 33 A.D. with the stoning of Stephen in Acts 7 and 8.  This time period covered the birth of Jesus Christ, His Ministry and ultimately His Crucifixion, ending with the stoning of Stephen.  This also covers the Inter-Testamental Years of the Bible.

Which brings us to Daniel Chapters 10 and 11 – a very detailed prophecy given to Daniel of the wars between the King of the North (the Seleucid Empire) and the King of the South (the Ptolemaic Empire).

Daniel Chapter 10:1 through 3 states, “In the third year of Cyrus, King of the Persians, a word was revealed to Daniel, surnamed Baltasar.  And the word is true and great power and knowledge was given to him by the vision.  In those days, I Daniel, had been mourning three weeks.  I had not eaten palatable bread, nor had flesh or wine entered my mouth, neither had I anointed myself to the full end of three weeks. (In other words, he was fasting and most likely praying!)

Daniel 10:4 through 6 states, “On the twenty-fourth of the first month when I was on the bank of the great river, namely, Tigris Eddekel, I raised mine eyes and looked, and lo! A man clothed with a flowing robe and his loins girded with gold of Ophaz, and his body like Tharsis, and his face like the appearance of lightning, and his eyes like lamps of fire, and his arms and his legs like the appearance of sparkling brass, and the sound of his words like the sound of a multitude.”  (Did Daniel see Jesus Christ, the Son of Man?)

According to Revelation 1:13 through 15, John saw a very similar vision.  Verse 13 states, “And in the midst of the seven candlesticks (lampstands) one like unto the Son of Man, clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girt about the paps with a golden girdle.  His head and His hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and His eyes were as a flame of fire; and His feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and His voice as the sound of many waters.”

As we shall see, both Daniel the Prophet and John the Apostle were beloved, so they were both given visions of the End Times.  Both apparently saw a vision of YAHSHUA the Christ.

Continuing with Daniel Chapter 10:7 through 9, which states, “Now I, Daniel, alone saw this vision.  The men who were with me did not see it; but great consternation fell upon them, and they fled for fear; so I was left alone.  And when I beheld this great vision, there was no strength left in me.  Even my comeliness was changed into corruption, and I retained no strength; but I heard the sound of His words.  And when I heard Him, I was struck with awe, and my face was on the ground.”

Daniel 10:10 through 14 states, “And lo! A hand touched me and raised me up upon my knees.  And He said to me, Daniel, man greatly beloved, gain knowledge by the words which I speak to thee and stand up; for I am now sent to thee.  And when He said this to me, I stood up trembling.  Then He said to me, Fear not, Daniel; for from the first day that thou didst set thy heart to gain knowledge and afflict thyself before the LORD thy God, thy words were heard, and I came at thy words; but the chief of the kingdom of the Persians stood in my way twenty-one days, when lo! Michael, the first of the [divine] princes came to help Me, and I left him there with the chief of the kingdom of the Persians, and am come to teach thee what will befall thy people in the last days.  Because this vision is for days to come.”

Here, we find that Daniel had fasted for twenty-one days, was greatly beloved, fell down at the sight of the Son of Man, that the Son of Man touched Daniel, and he was able to raise himself up upon his knees.  Finally, the Son of Man told him to “Fear not.”

However, the last statement made says that “I am come to teach thee what will befall thy people in the last days.  Because this vision is for days to come.”  So, the question becomes, “Is this an End Times Prophecy with regard to the Book of Revelation?”

John the Apostle in Revelation 1:17 states, “And when I (John) saw Him (YAHSHUA the Christ), I fell at His feet as dead.  And He laid His right hand upon me, saying unto me, Fear not; I am the first and the last:”

Both men had similar experiences and YAHSHUA the Christ told them, “Fear not!”

Continuing with Daniel 10:15 through 17 states, “Now while He was speaking to me in such terms, I turned my countenance to the earth, and was in amazement; and behold a likeness, as it were of a Son of Man, touched my lips; whereupon I opened my mouth, and spoke and said to Him who was standing before me, O my Lord, at the sight of thee my vitals are changed, and I have no strength; how then can Thy servant, O my Lord, speak with this my Lord?  As for me, from that moment my strength could not support me and there was no spirit left in me.”

Daniel 10:18 through 21 states, “Then an appearance like that of a man touched me again and strengthened me and said to me, Man much beloved, fear not: peace be to thee.  Take courage and be strong.  And when He had spoken to me, I recovered strength and said, Let my Lord speak, for thou hast strengthened me.  Then He said, O that thou knewest that for which I came to thee, then would I return to fight for the chief of the Persians; for as I was coming, the chief of the Grecians came.  But I will tell thee that only which is ordered in a writing of truth.  There is indeed none with me solicitous about him, but only Michael, your prince.”

The Son of Man continues with His Prophecy in Daniel 11:1 through 2 states, “AS for me, I in the first year of Cyrus was his strength and power.  And now I will tell the truth: Behold, three kings shall yet be raised up in Persia, and the fourth shall abound in great wealth above all.”

Most commentators, including Herodotus, agree that the first three Kings of the Persian Empire were: Cyrus the Great (555 B.C. to 529 B.C.); Cambyses (529 B.C. to 522 B.C.); and Darius the Great (522 B.C. to 486 B.C.).  The fourth king, Xerxes I (486 B.C. to 465 B.C.) instigated trouble with the Greeks.  He instituted tax reforms, became very powerful, trained over two million warriors for four years, built special barges, and attacked Greece at the Battle of Salamis in 480 B.C., which ultimately failed. This laid the basis for Alexander the Great’s revenge against the Persian Empire under Darius III (336 B.C. to 330 B.C.).

Daniel 11:3 through 4 states, “But there will be raised up a mighty king who will be lord of a great dominion and will do according to his pleasure.  But as soon as his kingdom hath been set up, it will be broken in pieces and divided towards the four winds of heaven, but not to his utmost bounds, nor according to his dominion which he ruled.  For his kingdom will be torn to pieces and given to others besides these.”

As previously discussed in Daniel Chapters 2 and 7, Alexander the Great (336 B.C. to 323 B.C.) succeeded Philip of Macedon, who had laid the foundation of the Greek Empire by uniting all of the Greek city-states, upon his death.  Alexander the Great accomplished a lot during his short tenure as Potentate of the Greek Empire.  For example:

He was the greatest military leader and conqueror of all time.

He established Greek Culture in all of the conquered lands by establishing many cities, establishing Greek customs (the gymnasium and Greek athletic events), and sowing Greek concepts of justice and religion.  All of this eventually influenced Rome, and from Rome to the modern world in which we live.

He established the Greek language as the common tongue of the day and was used the world over as the common language of commerce and diplomacy.

He established the City of Alexandria in Egypt, including its famous library, ultimately making it one of the intellectual capitols in the world.

However, at the age of 32 or 33, Alexander died in 323 B.C. without a qualified heir.  His half-brother, Philip Arrhidaeus, was mentally defective.  His two sons (illegitimate Hercules by Basina, the daughter of Darius, and Young Alexander, posthumously by Roxana) were murdered within 13 years after their father’s death.  So, Alexander’s four generals took over the reign of his empire and divided it into four parts:

The King of the North: Seleucus Nicator who controlled Syria and all the provinces of upper Asia Minor;

The King of the South: Ptolemy Soter who controlled Egypt, Libya, Arabia, Palestine and Coelo-Syria;

The King of the East: Lysimachus who controlled Thrace, Bithynia and several provinces beyond the Hellespont, including the Straits of Bosphorus; and

The King of the West: Cassander who controlled Macedonia and Greece.

The empires of Lysimachus and Cassander were eventually conquered and absorbed by Seleucus and Ptolemy, thus leading to the wars between the Seleucid Empire and the Ptolemaic Empire (275 B.C. to 198 B.C. as outlined in Daniel 11:5 through 20.

A Marriage:  Daniel 11:5 through 6 states, “And the king of the south will grow strong; and one of these chiefs will grow strong against him and will rule over a great dominion.  And after his years they will come to an agreement.  And a daughter of a king of the south will come to a king of the north for the purpose of making leagues with him.  But he will not retain strength of arm, nor shall his seed stand; for she will be delivered up and they who bring her, both the young woman and he who strengtheneth her in those times.”

The king of the south (Ptolemy II Philadelphius) married off his daughter Berenice to the king of the north (Antiochus II Theos).  Antiochus II divorced his wife, Laodice, to marry Berenice, but upon the death of Ptolemy II, Antiochus II divorced Berenice and took back Laodice, who in turn, murdered Berenice, her son, and her attendants.  Laodice also murdered Antiochus II and caused her son, Seleucus II Callinicus to become king in 246 B.C.

Revenge:  Daniel 11:7 through 8 states, “Out of the blossom of her root one having a government of his own will be raised up, and will come to this power, and enter the strongholds of the king of the north and perform exploits in them and prevail.  And he will carry their gods, with their molten images [and] all their precious vessels of silver and gold, with captives to Egypt;”

Berenice’s brother, Ptolemy III Euergetes, brought an army against Antiochus Seleucus II and defeated him.  He carried away a great deal of spoil to Egypt – 4,000 talents of gold, 40,000 talents of silver, and 2,500 idols.  Seleucus II died in a riding accident in 226 B.C. and Ptolemy III ruled six years after that.

Antiochus III the Great:  Daniel 11:9 through 10 states, “and he will stand above the king of the north, who will come to the kingdom of the king of the south and return again to his own land.  But his sons will collect a multitude among many, and one will come with effect, and like a deluge, and will pass through and establish himself, and the war will be carried even to his fortress.”

Since Ptolemy III defeated Seleucus II, he controlled Judah.  However, Seleucus II had two sons, Seleucus III Soter and Antiochus III the Great.  These two sons raised up a large army and continued to campaign against the south.  Seleucus III died leaving Antiochus III in charge of the army.  He marched through Palestine with an army of 75,000 men.

Southern Retaliation:  Daniel 11:11 through 12 states, “Then will the king of the south be furiously enraged, and he will come out and fight the king of the north who will array a great multitude, but this multitude will be delivered into his [the king of the south] hand.  And when he shall take this multitude, his heart will be elated, and he will overthrow myriads, but will not prevail.”

Ptolemy IV Philopator, the king of the south during Antiochus’ III invasion, raised his own army of 70,000 soldiers and 5,000 cavalry.  Ptolemy IV soundly defeated Antiochus, but was not strengthened by the victory, only making Antiochus III angry.

The Return of the North:  Daniel 11:13 through 20 states, “For the king of the north will return, and bring a multitude greater than the former and at the end of times of years invade the frontiers with a great army, and with much wealth.  And in those times, many will rise up against the king of the south, and the sons of the pests of thy people will be stirred up to establish a phantom, but they will be weak.  For a king of the north will come and cast up a mound and take strong cities.  Though the arms of the king of the south will make a stand, and his chosen men will be raised up, yet there will not be power to withstand.  So that he who cometh against him [the king of the north] will do according to his pleasure, and there is none able to stand before him.  So he will stand in the land of splendor, and it will be perfected by his hand.  Then he will set his face to enter with the strength of his whole kingdom, and will settle all things equitably with him, and will give him a daughter of the women with a view to corrupt her, but she will not continue in his interest, nor be for him.  Then he will turn his face to the islands, and take many, and cause chiefs to cease their reproaches: but his own reproach will be turned upon him.  Then he will turn his face to the strength of his own land, and will be weak and fall, and will not be found.  And from his root there will be set upon his throne a plant of royalty plundering and taxing the glory of a kingdom.  And in those days, he also will be destroyed, but not with open violence nor in battle.”

Thirteen years after his defeat, Antiochus III returned with a larger army.  In 199 B.C., Antiochus III succeeded in routing the southern army.  Because of his victory, Antiochus strengthened his control over Judah, something the Judahites had not bargained for.

After his victory, Antiochus III gave his daughter to the Egyptian king to be a spy for him as well as the glue of an alliance.  However, his daughter loved her husband more than her father and did not take her father’s side.

Antiochus then turned his attention to the coasts of the Mediterranean islands and Greece, but was defeated by Rome in 191 B.C.  He was then forced to return to his own land where he died while plundering a temple.

Upon Antiochus’ death, his son, Seleucus IV Philopator became king.  Because of the heavy tribute levied by Rome, he became a raiser of taxes.  He was killed by his prime minister, Heliodorous, in 176 B.C.

Antiochus “Epiphanes” IV:  Daniel 11:21 through 32a which states, “And on his throne one will be settled, who was despised and on whom they did not confer the honor of a kingdom.  But he will come to it peaceably and obtain the kingdom by guile.  And the arms of the overwhelmer will be overwhelmed at his presence, and they with the ruler of the covenant will be destroyed.  Because of the associations against him, he will practice guile and come up and overpower them with a small nation and come peaceably into rich provinces, and do what neither his fathers, nor his father’s fathers ever did.  Plunder and spoils and wealth he will scatter among them; and against Egypt he will forecast devices even for a time.  And his power and his heart will be stirred up against a king of the south, with a great army; and the king of the south will join battle with an exceeding great and powerful army, but they will not stand; for they will form devices against him and devour his substance and crush him, and armies will be overwhelmed, and many wounded shall fall.  Then both the kings with their hearts bent on mischief will speak lies at one table.  But it will not prosper.  Because an end is still put off for a time, therefore he will return to his own land with much wealth and his heart will be against the holy covenant, and he will act and return to his own land.  At the time he will return and come to the south; but this last expedition will not be like the first: for the Kitians who set out at the same time will arrive, and he will be humbled.  Then he will return and will be inflamed with wrath against the holy covenant.  And he will act and return and keep up an intelligence with them who have forsaken the holy covenant.  And seeds out of him will spring up, and the sanctuary of the dominion will be polluted; and the daily sacrifice will be removed; and there will be set up an abomination which hath caused desolation, which they who break covenant will bring by flatteries.”

Antiochus “Epiphanes” IV obtained the throne by deceit in 175 B.C.  He then devastated Egypt and their boy-king Ptolemy VI Philometor in the battle of Pelusium.  After his defeat of Egypt, Antiochus returned to Judah where he plundered the temple and sacked Jerusalem on his way back north.

Antiochus made a second attack against Egypt but was turned back by the ships of Kittim (Rome).  As he returned to his land in humiliation, he took out his frustration against Judah again causing immense suffering.  It was the atrocities started by Antiochus “Epiphanes” IV that ultimately resulted in the Maccabean Revolt in 166 B.C. and lasting until 143 B.C. under three leaders:  Mattathias (166 B.C.); Judas Maccabeus (166 B.C. through 160 B.C.); and Jonathan (160 through 143 B.C.).  (For more information on the Maccabean Revolt, please read the Apocryphal Book of I Maccabees Chapters 1 through 12.)

The Persecutions of Antiochus “Epiphanes” IV:

At the end of the year 167 B.C., Antiochus “Epiphanes” IV:

Desecrated the Temple;

Outlawed the Torah – observance of any part of the Law was made a capital offense;

Altars were erected to false deities (Zeus) and the Judahites were forced to worship idols upon pain of death;

Sacrificed a pig on the altar in the temple thus desecrating the Holy Place; and

Forced Greek culture on the Judahites, which was known as “Hellenization,” which took several forms:

The establishment of a gymnasium and games where the participants competed completely naked.

The removal of the sign of circumcision.

The abandonment of the Law.

The full acceptance of Greek culture and ideas.

The abandonment of the Sabbath day of rest.

Judahite names were exchanged for Greek names.

Most Judahites bowed to the pressure and worshipped pagan deities, at least outwardly.  In order to expose those opposed to Antiochus “Epiphanes” IV, emissaries were sent from city to city to make pagan sacrifices in the city square and cause the population of the city to worship the pagan gods.  Those who would not take part in the pagan ceremonies were arrested, tortured, and martyred.  This was a type of Abomination of Desolation which YAHSHUA Christ referred to in Matthew 24 and Mark 13.

The Hasmonean Dynasty (142 B.C. through 63 B.C.):

The Hasmonean Dynasty consisted of seven “Israel” kings who were unto themselves a beast empire of combined dynastic rule as kings and high priests:

Simon (143 B.C. to 135 B.C.) was responsible for the Political Independence of Palestine.

John Hyrcanus I (135 B.C. to 104 B.C.) was responsible for a large territorial expansion.  During his reign, he took Idumea, which is Greek for Edom, and forced converted them to “Judaism.”  They were circumcised and forced to follow the Law.  From this point forward, Judah was known as Judaea.  (Judah plus Idumea equals “Judaea.”)  These will now become a mixed multitude who would gain power as Pharisees, Sadducees, and Scribes, as well as rule over Judaea as the Herodians, who were Edomites.

In 130 B.C., the Essenes started producing The Dead Sea Scrolls in Qumran, which were ultimately hidden until 1947, when they were discovered by a young Bedouin shepherd.  (For further details, please see The Complete Dead Sea Scrolls in English translated by Geza Vermes.)

Also, in 130 B.C., the Greek Septuagint of the Old Testament, which was commissioned by Ptolemy Philadelphius II, was completed and available at this time.  The first Greek Septuagint of the Old Testament was translated by Charles Thomson, former Secretary of the Continental Congress of The United States of America from 1774 to 1789, after which he published a four-volume set, which also included the New Testament, in 1808.

Aristobulus I (104 B.C. to 103 B.C.) was responsible for the degeneration of Hasmonean leadership, along with

Alexander Janneus (103 B.C. to 76 B.C.), who was responsible for civil war.

Salome Alexandra (76 B.C. to 67 B.C.) was responsible for the rise of the Pharisees in Judaea.

Hyrcanus II (67 B.C.) only ruled for three months and was ousted by his brother, Aristobulus II.

Aristobulus II (67 B.C. to 63 B.C.) fought with his brother over the throne until Rome intervened in 63 B.C.

(For more information on the Hasmonean Dynasty, please read the Apocryphal Book of I Maccabees Chapters 13 through 16.)

Roman Rule (63 B.C. to 4 B.C.:

In 63 B.C., Pompey takes control of Palestine with Hycannus II as High Priest under Roman control from 63 B.C. to 40 B.C.

From 46 B.C. to 44 B.C., Julius Caesar was dictator of Rome until he was murdered on March 15 (“The Ides of March”), 44 B.C.

From 44 B.C. to 29 B.C., there were two Triumverates ruling over Rome, until in 29 B.C., Octavian, Caesar’s great nephew and adopted heir, took control of Rome and became the sole leader of Rome.

In 27 B.C., Octavian assumed the title of “Augustus,”, thereby becoming Augustus Caesar, the first Emperor of Rome until 14 A.D.

From 14 A.D. to 37 A.D., Tiberius Caesar ruled Rome during the time of YAHSHUA the Christ’s First Advent.

It was under Julius Caesar that the Edomite Herods came to power:

Herod the Great was Governor of Galilee from 47 B.C. to 37 B.C., and he became “King of the Jews” and ruled from 37 B.C. to 4 B.C.  He is the Herod who was responsible for killing all the male children under the age of 2 years old in order to kill YAHSHUA, Jesus the Christ, who was the true King of the Judahites.  Since Herod the Great died in 4 B.C., that means that YAHSHUA, Jesus the Christ had to be born in the Fall of 6 B.C. or 5 B.C., since his cousin, John the Baptist was born in the Spring of one of those years.

So, the prophecy in Daniel 11 was a very specific Bible prophecy with regard to the 400+ years of the Inter-Testamental Period.  Everything was in place for the First Advent of YAHSHUA, Jesus the Christ, especially with the publishing of the Greek Septuagint of the Old Testament with all of the correct Messianic Prophecies pointing to YAHSHUA the Christ for salvation for His People!

In conclusion, it is interesting to note that the world in which we live in today in the 21st Century has 12 very similar characteristics to the Greco-Roman World into which YAHSHUA, Jesus the Christ, came into the first time.  For example:

  1. Then: The Greco-Roman Empire ruled the known world.

          Now: The Anglo-American Empire, which is based on The Greco-Roman Empire, rules the known world.

  1. Then: A democratic/republican form of government existed.

Now: A democratic/republican form of government exists.

  1. Then: A Roman Caesar/Emperor ruled the Roman Empire.

Now: A President of the United States rules the modern-day world.

  1. Then: The rule of law was based on Roman Law.

Now: The British Common Law is based on the Roman Law.

  1. Then: The Economic System was based on the Roman System only.

Now: The World’s Economic System is based on The U.S. Dollar.

  1. Then: The “known” Earth was of one major language:  Greek.

Now: The whole Earth is of one major language:  English.

  1. Then: The religious leaders did not accept the signs of the Messiah at His First Coming.

          Now: The religious leaders are not accepting the signs of the Second Coming.  For example:

The Waters turning to Blood;

          The Sky Trumpets;

          The Sky Earthquakes;

          The Tetrad of Blood Red Moons throughout the Centuries;

          The Revelation 12 Sign of the Woman on September 23, 2017;

          The Total Solar Eclipses that only crisscrossed The United States on August 21, 2017 and April 8, 2024;

          The October 9TH, 2024 Signs in the Heavens with regard to Bible Prophecy Judgments on the nations;

          The Shepherd’s Cross on December 6, 2024; as well as

          Other Planetary Alignments from 2024 into 2025.

  1. Then: The religions of the day were Judaism – the Traditions of the Elders and Polytheism based on Greco-Roman Pagan Mythology.

          Now: The religions of the day are Judaism, Christianity, Roman Catholicism, Islam, and Polytheism based on Mystery Babylon.

  1. Then: The Spring Feasts of YAHWEH of Passover, Unleavened Bread, First Fruits, and the Summer Feast of Pentecost were fulfilled by Jesus Christ at His First Coming.

          Now: The Fall Feasts of YAHWEH of Trumpets, The Day of Atonement, and Tabernacles, which includes The Last Great Day will be fulfilled by Jesus Christ at His Second Coming.

  1. Then: Jesus Christ has 12 Disciples on the Earth at His First Coming.

          Now: Jesus Christ will have 144,000 Disciples on the Earth at His Second Coming.

  1. Then: “Israel” “existed” under a system of seven Hasmonean High Priest/Kings.

Now: “Israel,” i.e., The Fig Tree of Matthew 24:32 to 35 exists.

  1. Then: A Roman Calendar was used based on Julius Caesar in 46 B.C.

          Now: A Roman Calendar is used based on Pope Gregory in 1582 A.D.

The conditions are the same for Jesus Christ’s Second Coming, just as they were for His First Coming.  The Old Testament is a blueprint for the New Testament with regard to the “signs” as Jesus spoke of them in Matthew 24 and 25, Mark 13, Luke 21, and Revelation 6.

Remember what Genesis 1:14 states, “Then God said, “Let there be luminaries in the firmament of heaven, to give light on the earth; to make a separation between the day and the night: and let them be for signs and for seasons and for days and for years; and let them be for an illumination in the firmament of heaven so as to shine on the earth.”  And it was so.”

Be mindful of the TIMES into which we are going…

