Cobra Venom – The Serum of the Serpent in mRNA Vaccines

December 22, 2022


Hi Everyone!

Mike Adams from has interviewed Dr. Ardis with regard to the mRNA Covid-19 “shots”. Apparently, the venom of the Chinese Cobra, as well as the venom of 18 other highly venomous snakes, i.e. the total is “19,” has been put together to create “Covid.” In other words, the symptoms of being bitten by a venomous snake are the same as the symptoms of “Covid-19.”

Here is the link to Part 1 of the interview:

Here is the link to Part 2 of the interview:

Here is the link to Part 3 of the interview:

Here is the link to Mike Adams’ Situation Update of April 12, 2022: “Corona Virus = King Cobra Venom”:

Here is the link to Mike Adams’ Situation Update of April 13, 2022: “Venom Tech” Company Announces Massive Library of SNAKE VENOM Peptides for Pharmaceutical Deployment”:

Satanic Transhumanism via “Shots” made of Snake Venom Peptides…

This gives a whole new meaning to “shedding”…