There Is A Time for Everything…

October 26, 2024


Hi Everyone!

As you can see, there has been a lot of things come to my attention lately from a Biblical perspective, so I’ve been writing more blogs these days, which I hope encourages you.  I know that it does me, along with the sermons that I have written!  The SPIRIT of Our LORD and SAVIOR has pierced me to the heart…

King Solomon states in Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 the following:

“TIME is for ALL THINGS: but there is a particular portion of TIME for every particular affair under Heaven: A TIME to be born and a TIME to die – a TIME to plant and a TIME to root up what was planted – a TIME to kill and a TIME to heal – a time to pull down and A TIME TO BUILD UP – a TIME to weep and a TIME to laugh – a TIME to mourn and a TIME to dance – a TIME to cast away stones and a TIME to gather stones together – a TIME to embrace and a TIME to refrain from embracing – a TIME to seek and a TIME to lose – a TIME to keep and A TIME TO THROW AWAY – a TIME to rend and a TIME to sew – A TIME TO BE SILENT and A TIME TO SPEAK – a TIME to love and A TIME TO HATE – A TIME OF WAR and A TIME OF PEACE.”

Jeremiah concurs in his Book Chapter 1 Verse 10 which states, “Behold I (YAHWEH) have this day set thee (Jeremiah) over nations and over kingdoms: (1) to root out and (2) demolish and (3) destroy; and (4) TO REBUILD and (5) PLANT.”  Five is the number of GRACE in the Bible!

So, where are we today?  What do you think?

Please remember TO STUDY TO SHOW YOURSELVES APPROVED UNTO GOD!  Take the TIME, you might enjoy IT!

