The Last Messiah

October 18, 2024
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Hi Everyone!

During the past 15 years, I’ve studied all of the monotheistic religions:  Christianity, Roman Catholicism, Islam and then Judaism.

I spent about 3 years studying Islam, as well as its Eschatology, during that time period when all of the books were being published with regard to an Islamic Antichrist.

And then I came across this book by V.S. Marlowe, The Last Messiah, which talks about a Ruby Chalice with special powers to rule the world. It claims that Alexander the Great had it, Genghis Khan had it, etc.  Now, the Iranians claim that they have a new weapons technology to rule the world. 

There’s a sect of Islam in Iran, called TWELVERS, who believe in the 12th Imam, who will come after a great Middle Eastern War and bring peace to the world, with Jesus Christ as a prophet of Islam under Muhammad.  They believe that it was Judas that was crucified, and they do not consider Jesus Christ as the true Son of God.

According to our Eschatology, they have a Satanic Trinity:  Satan (Allah), the Antichrist (Muhammad/the Mahdi) and the False Prophet (Jesus Christ as a prophet only of Islam).

Islamic Eschatology is a direct mirror of Christian Eschatology.

Please take a listen to Trunews from today, October 18, 2024:

Also, you can buy the book from Amazon at the following link:

You will also note that in the news this past week, an Iranian General threatened Israel with a brand new weapon system…Also, remember what the previous President of Iran from 2007 – 2013, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and the Ayatollah believed in – They were Twelvers as well!

We, as Christians, don’t have to believe in this at all, but we need to understand that they DO!  Their belief in Islam and Muhammad is greater than our belief in Jesus Christ at this time in our history.  More Mosques are taking over church and cathedrals all throughout the world.  When you see them erect a Mosque, they have conquered your territory for Islam.  BE MINDFUL OF YOUR SURROUNDINGS!!!

And be mindful of the times into which we are going…and stay strong and faithful to one is the Author and Finisher of our Faith – YAHSHUAH Jesus the Christ!  He has already overcome the world, and we are commanded to be overcomers in the Book of Revelation!



p.s.  Please consider the following verse from Isaiah 13:17-22 which states, “Behold, I (YAHWEH) am raising up against you (BABYLON) the Medes, who disregard silver and have no need of gold.  They shall break the bows of the young men, and on your infants they will have no compassion; nor will their eyes spare thee for thy children.  And Babylon, which is stiled Glorious by the king of the Chaldeans, shall be as when God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah.  It shall not be inhabited for a great length of time, nor shall it be entered for many generations.  The Arabians shall not pass through it; nor shall shepherds make their folds therein.  But wild beasts shall there go to rest; and the houses shall be filled with howling.  There sirens shall make their abode; and there demons shall hold their revels.  And satyrs shall inhabit there; and porcupines shall breed in the houses.  He is coming quickly and will not tarry.”

With regard to the destruction of Babylon the Great, please read Isaiah 13 and 14, Jeremiah 50 and 51, and Revelation 17 and 18.

From a Historicist point of view on The Revelation of Jesus Christ, please review the Trumpet Judgments with regard to who Apollyon/Abaddon is who comes up out of the pit with the locust horde.  Did you know that the Ishmaelites were referred to as locusts in the Old Testament?  History has shown the Islamic Arrival of Muhammad in 622 with his death in 632 and the passing on of his empire onto His Four Rightly Guided Caliphs.  The Sunni Sect (85% of Islamic Countries) come directly from the Second Rightly Guided Caliph.  The Shi-ite Sect (15% of Islamic Countries, including Iran and Shi-ite Crescent countries come from the 4th Rightly Guided Caliph Ali, who was a direct descendant of Muhammad…Please do your own studies, for the time is growing short!

Also according to Psalms 96:5, That all the gods of the nations are demons; But as for the Lord, He made the Heavens.”