Resources & Media

Drawing A Conclusion

Hi Everyone!

By the grace of Father YAHWEH, I have been very fortunate when it has come to my three (3) major careers:  Retail, Legal, and Restaurant Management in the United States, as well as my teaching career in South Korea. I have been able to achieve three (3) graduate degrees in Bible, as well as being Ordained on November 11, 2023.  I have also been able to write and publish four (4) books, as well as have a website built for you, so that you, like me, can re-educate yourself and find The Truth of All Matters!


As you know, since 2003, I have been very interested in Biblical Eschatology, but since 2009, I have been especially interested in Current Events as they relate to Biblical Eschatology.  I became intrigued in The Truth as presented by the Alternative News Websites on the Internet.  Over the past 15 years, I have collected what I believe to be truth-telling websites from the Internet and have put them into four (4) major categories from which you can choose based on your interest.  They are free for you to peruse and get used to what’s really going on in this world of ours.

It has literally taken me 15 years to discern what was True and what was False.  There are so many “posers” out there faking it!  Well, Father YAHWEH states their demise in Deuteronomy 18:20, “But the prophet who shall wickedly presume to speak a word in My name which I have not commanded him to speak, or who shall speak in the name of other gods, that prophet shall be put to death.”  In other words, their day is coming 

You have to understand that there is a CIA project called, “Project Mockingbird” wherein ALL of the “Mainstream Media – the MSM,” as well as those famous so-called “truth-telling” podcasters (who are very well off) are “paid to tell the truth as they are told to do so.”  They repeat the “major talking points” of the day and are paid to do so on your “Tell-A-Vision.” And IF you do not do your own homework, you will never know The Truth of the Matter!

I want to thank all of you who have visited my website and/or other websites like mine! Because you have read my books and/or via your word of mouth, I have been blessed to have been interviewed by a variety of well-known podcasters and live radio hosts.  Their websites are listed under the aforementioned website categories.  All podcasts/live radio broadcasts have been uploaded to the website for your perusal.
Please take the time to learn “The Truth of All Matters” while you still can…

Listen Up!


In this series I’ll be chatting with Ron about the Book of Revelation from a Historicist point of view once held by the reformers, but now forgotten at our peril.
WHEN: Beginning 8 April, every Monday for 10 weeks

The Real News


I have collected what I believe to be truth-telling websites from the Internet and have put them into four (4) major categories from which you can choose based on your interest.