Interviews & Podcasts

Sharing my Thoughts

Welcome to my Media page. Here you will find all my interviews, podcasts, and videos. Past and present.

I hope you find these interviews enlighting, insightful and maybe just a little challenging. 
Mainstream they are not! And they certainly will not ‘tickle your ears’.
But they are the truth, extracted from the undiluted, original Word of God.
And as we all know, THE TRUTH is never comfortable. But it will always set you free.

If you are interested in following my interviews, please follow my facebook and Twitter channels for updates. Like, follow or subscribe. That way you can stay up to date with all my news, thoughts, and insights regarding current events from a prophetic and biblical perspective.

Thank you for listening. Blessings.


Featured Interviews

Interview with John B Wells


The Lost and Found Tribes of Israel. Churchianity today truly believes that the Jews in Palestine are the ‘Israel’ of the bible. But, believing that would make YAHWEH a liar. There are over 100 prophecies with regard to the House of Israel, that the Jews in Palestine DO NOT fulfill. This is a not to be missed interview, that tackles all the tough questions. Including, Where do we stand in the biblical prophecy timeline today? When viewed against the original biblical texts, what are the most common misconceptions about Israel we as the ‘church’ hold today.

Interview with Lew Moore


What is going on in America?
What are we seeing unfold?
Is this our manifest destiny?
Are we bringing in the New Jerusalem?

Interview with Ron Powers

THE DAILY PAUSE | PART 1 – 9 April 2024

The History of Revelation, and the Revelation of History. We just kicked off an exciting new series, unpacking the long tried and true Historicist view of the Book of Revelation. The Historicist view follows a straight line of continuous fulfillment of prophecy which starts in Daniel’s time and goes through John of Patmos’ writing of the Book of Revelation all the way to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. At the time, this was the dominant view held by the reformers – only to be later eclipsed by a the pope’s Jesuits interpretation that crept into Protestant seminaries, and was later popularised by movies like Left Behind. Join us as we lay the ground work to understanding The book of Revelation.

THE DAILY PAUSE | PART 2 – 16 April 2024

This week we cover Daniel’s 70 weeks prophecy and how the Septuagint version of Daniel’s book shows a clear message that it is Messiah that creates a covenant with many and NOT anti-christ. This is a huge foundational point that can change one’s view of “end times” drastically.

THE DAILY PAUSE | PART 3 – 23 April 2024

As we go through the Book of Revelation and how it affects us today in our political setting, we start our with the letters written to the 7 churches. These 7 churches appear to also represent 7 periods of church history having us today in the very last church age of Laodicea.

THE DAILY PAUSE | PART 4 – 29 April 2024

The opening of the Seals! We discuss the fall of pagan Rome, the Christian martyrs and the rise of Constantine ALL Found in chapter 6 of Revelation.

THE DAILY PAUSE | PART 5 – 29 April 2024

In the first 6 seals of Revelation, pagan Rome fell! Next up: the 7th seal of 7 trumpets.
The first 4 trumpets specifically deals with the fall of the Western Roman Empire under the barbarian invasions.

THE DAILY PAUSE | PART 6 – 20 May 2024

The Reign of Islam. This week we unpack the 5th and 6th Trumpet judgements of Revelation, placing it against the backdrop of history – through the rise of Mohammed and his Muslims and the Ottoman Empire finishing with the over throw of Constantinople.

THE DAILY PAUSE | PART 7 – 3 June 2024

One of the reasons there is so much mystery and even confusion in the church around the book of Revelation, is the “loss” of the original intended word of God, by diluting interpretations. This was and is by design, beginning as far back as 1517,  by those whose goal was to stop the Protestant reformation and bring us back into the dark ages. Revelations 10 unpacks this history, and the printing of our bible!

THE DAILY PAUSE | PART 8 – 10 June 2024

The Revelation is a literal summing up of the history of the world, not just its consumation, but its entire unfolding, from beginning to end. This session we unpack Chapter 11 and the Two Witnesses, which speaks into the Reformation period.

THE DAILY PAUSE | PART 9 – 1 July 2024

Part 9 – The Sun Clothed Woman: In this episode we continue unpacking the book of revelation from the historicist perspective – the perspective upheld by the Reformers for over a millennium, but now long since forgotten. The historicist view unpacks Revelation from 96AD to present day. From the four horsemen, which marked the decay of Rome, through the Trumpets (The Barbarian and Islamic period). Chapter 11 unpacks the Reformation. And today we discuss Revelation 12, the woman clothed in the sun: historically, Israels migration to America.

THE DAILY PAUSE | PART 10 – 22 July 2024

Part 10 – The Beasts of the Sea and Land: We continue unpacking the book of revelation from the historicist perspective – from 96AD to present day. In this episode we unpack Chapter 13 and the role of the Vatican – the beast rising up out of the sea (the Roman Empire) and the beast rising out of the land (Papal Rome).

Part 11 –  This week we continue our journey through time and the book of Revelatoin. Historicism understands the book of Revelation as a series of prophecies concerning various time periods and events throughout history from the first century to the present and beyond. Today we unpack chapters 14 and 15 as the setup for the final 7 bowls of judgement to be poured out upon the earth.

Part 12 – Today we deep dive into Chapter 16 of the book of Revelation, beginning with the final 7 bowl judgements. According to the historicist perspective, Chapter 16 specifically unpacks the period of the French Revolution. This interpretation is the longest held interpretation of Revelation which include the reformers and colonial pastors down to this day.

Part 13 – We discuss the very last bowl judgements (4-7) starting with Napoleon Bonaparte’s capture of the pope, the fall of the Ottoman Empire at WW1 and the introduction of areal warfare all leading up to the great and final war.

Part 14 –  Let’s talk about the mystery of the scarlet clothed woman.

Part 15 –  The Fall Of Babylon
We are finally there! The end game. Revelation 18 – the political and economic system of Babylon falls once and for all. Amen!

Part 16 – The Final Battle and The Millenium Reign
Then I saw a Great White Throne and Him who sat upon it, from whose presence earth and heaven fled… and the books were opened…

Part 17 – The New Heaven and The New Earth
We discuss the last 2 chapters of the Book of Revelation as we see the new heaven and new earth with the new Jerusalem. Is it a completely new creation or is it a new order of things that are already here around us?

Part 18 – Let’s Wrap It Up!
After finishing the series on the Book to Revelation, we discuss the entire book from beginning to end with the Historicist view point. You won’t want to miss this heavily packed episode!

All Roads Lead to Babylon: Religious scholar Justin Prock PhD and Lee Merritt MD discuss the history and symbolism of the Babylonians. Unpacking the current ‘reigning’ spirit of Babylon and its relationship to current events.

In this four-part series on Eschatology we take a deep dive into Old and New Testament prophecies as they relate to us today, using the original Charles Thomson’s Septuagint Version of the Old Testament and Greek New Testament translations. You will be surprised at where we are truly at in Bible Prophecy.

Episode 1 – The Keys to Bible Prophecy

Episode 2 – How Should Bible Prophecy Be Interpreted?

Episode 3  – The Major Prophecies of the Old Testament Explained

Episode 4 – The Major Prophecies of the New Testament crystal clear

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Hi! This is me. So, pleased to meet you …