A Poem from a fellow anon’s father upon passing

February 3, 2023


To preface this: my Grandfather on my Mother’s side served in WWI; my Grandfather on my Father’s side served in WWII at Iwo Jima; my Father served in Vietnam; and I was rejected by the Clinton Administration to serve after my B.S. in History/Political Science.  May God Bless all of the people who have served…

I am a silent witness!

I will fly high till I die, For to do any less

Would be treason and murder only at it’s best

They shall call me “Old Glory”

And this is my grand story

For you must see and know that I cannot speak

I can only unfurl and display to the meek

Many a veteran has served me with great hon-or

Many again believed liberty was truly worth dying for

I would love to hear, “Let’s Get Over Our Fear!”

Oh how the sounds of the wounded never leave my ear

I have through many tears in years of old

I have witnessed pure death and destruction untold

If I could literally cry, my tears would spill

Until an ocean wide would surely fill

If I could speak, my words would be contrary

They would overflow the many shelves of a library

If I could scream it would be Wake Up To The Cost!!

Before the sacrifice Has All Been Lost

The courage of a few has many a battle won

That is why I am again calling you, my favorite Son

I am a silent witness!

And for those who upon me spit and curse

From you, to be sure, I will never disperse

You see, for you, I also stand

Unabashed in this Promised Land

I unfurl my banner, so high and proud

This, Even I do for one, when there is no crowd

I am soaked in blood that never would run

As a salute to you, my favorite Son

Accept my salute by your courage and stand

We shall fight together for this once great land

For your oath before God to defend

Still rings true in the very very end

For you are my voice, you downtrodden patriot

Proclaim Liberty loudly that all will be lost not

Forget not, you veterans, you are my shield

Stand with me again with never a yield

Rise up again with courage oh Son of the Republic

That all will not be lost, at the whim of politic

Speak loudly so others my hear of my call

And certainly know the cost of those who did fall

I am a silent witness

You are my tears, those that are so hurt

Scream at your politicians who so easily can skirt

Warn loudly those who pursue wealth, with lust

To have all to end only in death and in dust

Do not be concerned for the threat of jail

Many a veteran lay wounded and pale

That the rule of law should always prevail

All to uphold God’s Mighty and Holy Grail

For those who believe not that God is dead and gone

An award in heaven awaits all that respond

Walk upright my Sons and Daughters, for now is the time

“Old Glory” is pleading for you to stop those in crime

Liberty and Justice must be at the front

Security and greed reserved for the runt

Come to me now, to my beck and call

Stand with me upright, straight, narrow, and tall

That the evils of men will certainly fall

As men and women of courage heed my call

That the blood of our countrymen be not in vain

That Liberty and Justice shall rule again

The author is a former Captain, Platoon Commander and Vietnam Era Veteran, United States Marine Corps. His Father was an Army Veteran and Mother was a WWII front line Nightingale Army Nurse. His Father in Law was a Navy Veteran who first hand witnessed Kamikaze attacks while serving on the USS Enterprise during WWII.

Being devastated and spiritually wounded over the untimely death of his beloved wife while simultaneously surrounded by lien and levy threats for upholding the “Rule of Law”, the author was forced to his knees in total humility and submission before his God.

The words of this writing came upon his heart thereby allowing him to rise up off his knees and stand boldly once again for his God and Country and return to the front lines of this great spiritual battle.

“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” Ephesians 6:12

May God be with us all!!!