Hi Everyone!
Esdras 6:9 states: “For Esau is the END OF THIS AGE, and Jacob is the beginning of the one that follows.”
By now, most of you have researched my website and understand that all roads lead to Babylon and its Talmud!
In that regard, you will note that I had previously blogged on The 7 Noahide Laws and how they were incorporated into U.S. Law under former (now deceased) President George H.W. Bush, Sr. These laws can be found under Public Laws 102-14 and 102-268 in honor of the dead Chabad Lubavitch Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, former leader of the Lubavitch Movement,. This law goes under the innocuous name of “Education Day, U.S.A.”
Here’s another piece of the puzzle for you to think about in 2025:
Imagine if you will what “could” possibly happen to Christians and/or any other so-called “Idolater.” Would you still be a Christian when persecution and death comes knocking on your door or will you cut and run, thereby denying YAHSHUA Jesus the Christ, who died for your sins?
Stay Frosty! This is just the beginning…