Pastor Brad Cummings & Eclipses

March 18, 2024


This is an email response which I received from Pastor Brad Cummings of with regard to the Eclipses and the Devil’s Comet…

“Done a ton of research into the eclipses … will have to check these out.  7 Salems in the path of totality for the 1st one 2017… coincides exactly in the prophetic time line ( 7 “times” as in 7 x 360 yrs = 2520 yrs from the Fall of Babylon when you factor in the 100 yrs that Judah had of independence from being under the discipline of Rome ( 163-63BC)…) and now this 2014 one:  8 Ninevahs, plus 13 more Salems.. which the exact intersection in the region known as “little Egypt”… it also being the conjunction where 3 of our biggest rivers in the US, ( the Ohio joining the Missouri and those 2 joining the Mississippi, and that also being the New Madrid Seismic zone!
The 2017 one when over the biggest continental crack in the US, going over the Cascadia fault zone, Yellowstone, and the New Madrid zone…. The 2024 path of totality starts in eagle pass, TX and then goes over the exact conjunction of a near total solar eclipse in 2023 ( which forms a big huge Aleph- the 1st letter in the Hebrew alphabet, and then the 2 total eclipses form a “tav” the last letter — Aleph-Tav Alpha-Omega sign… as if God is shadow painting His name over America!!
Well in the park at the southern end where the 2023 and the 2024 paths intersect— there is a cross “an Empty Cross” of the resurrection standing 77ft 7 in high at the exact latitude as the city Jerusalem — the park is called “Christ the Coming King”… and in the intersection of the 2017, 2024… there is another cross— the biggest single constructed cross in the entire northern hemisphere, on Bald hill, called the Cross of peace! Which is 500 yards from the precise intersection of the 2 which occurs on Salem Rd ( the path to peace)….
This is all a reference to the sign of Jonah ( just after eagle pass, it goes over the city of Jonah, then Joppa, then 7 Ninevah’s in the US and 1 Ninevah in Canada /Nova Scotia… ) and why did all of Ninevah repent in Jonah’s day— there was a Solar eclipse over Ninevah… !!! Insane!

The fall of Babylon… had 2 solar eclipses within 7 yrs from each other, with the constellations in the stars being identical to the pair TODAY… those were partial, these are TOTAL…. I could go on for hrs with more parallels…

What is God saying in this…
For me: contrary to what many others are declaring—- I think this is an invitation to repentance, and is meant to mark a judgment from Heaven against Mystery Babylon (Ninevah, Pharaoh/Egypt, and Babylon) — those were were the tyrannical deep state, beast systems of enslavement of their day…(Ninevah/Assyria –to Israel (the northern 10 tribes); Babylon to Judah (the southern 2) — both of which were judged and removed from the land) and Pharaoh/Egypt — for the HEBREWS (Moses) from which the 12 tribes merged from their initial enslavement) … the connective ties to today are impossible NOT to see.   Is it a judgment on the people?— it doesn’t need to be if we would turn— is it a judgment against the systems that enslave people?— I think so.  April 8th is also the 1st of Nisan ( the Hebrew new year) – the date that commemorates the Exodus generation being freed from the enslavement to pharaoh… they left Egypt that day… and began their journey to the Promised Land.

The 10 plagues were a complete judgment of Egypt’s gods and their entire system of worship.  The 1st 3 plagues, everyone had to endure… the next 7 only the Egyptians — those dwelling in Goshen ( “drawing near”) did not experience them… they were still impacted by the destruction of the tyrannical slave system— but it was a deliverance for them, not a punishment— you suffered loss if your life was tied to what was being judged!

I think our fiat dollar is perhaps the biggest weapon of worldwide enslavement as used by the Intl banking cabal system— the head of which is ruled by …. “Israel” in truth.   Israel and those who say they are Jews but are not — the Khazarians, are the ones who rule the mountains of power and I believe God is going to take issue and begin to dismantle it all— 2017 was the marker, He gave them 7 yrs to repent, — they have not, but it has only gotten worse.

Ninevah had a plague 4 yrs before their solar eclipse (just as Covid was 2020 to our 2024) they were suffering military defeats, their borders were being invaded, and the economy was struggling… the conditions are about as dead on parallel as they come, just more global in scale….  And yet, because they humbled themselves and repented— God relented of the calamity… and Jonah was pissed!!
Why did he run away in the first place?— he knew God’s predisposition to mercy and he didn’t want to be anywhere near his enemies because he wanted God to judge and nuke em!   So much so, he would sooner die by being thrown overboard than he would in obeying…. Swallowed up by a whale and erpped up on the beach —
Nevertheless the word came a 2nd time and Jonah obeyed — THREE days journey to Ninevah (City of the Fish, who worshiped the Fish god)… going to be hard to miss by the Ninevites when a prophet erpped up and bleached white by a FISH and that is what you worship— but Jonah never suggested they repent, never hinted God might change his mind… but a 3 day dry fast of no food and water, that the entire nation went on and so did the animals, changed their future and God showed mercy….   Hello!

And the 2nd half of the book was about God converting the heart of Jonah to understand HIS heart of compassion and mercy….  Jonah wanted his enemies judged, instead of seeing them changed… God preferred to redeem them and save them ( as well as the animals) if they would but turn and repent.   I’m thinking way too much of the church and her prophets has a heart like Jonah and would prefer to see our enemies roasted!!  While Jonah was having a tude in the desert over looking the city and very much angry and distress — God sent a gourd plant to miraculously grow up and provide him shade.  the gourd plant is called a “vomit” plant — how ironic that God sent compassion and mercy upon a pissed off, wrong-hearted prophet to have compassion on him in the form of a vomit plant that provided shade…
Jonah very much liked that and was happy!  (still self-absorbed and drawing his happiness from circumstantial temporary conditions … interesting parallels to today’s mindset)… and then God (the very same God who had compassion on the prophet and gave him reprieve from the heat bearing down upon on ) — then sent a worm, but not an ordinary worm — a worm called a “Towla” in Hebrew — a worm from which “crimson dye” was extracted in ancient times.    — what’s crazy about the towla worm, a scarlet worm species, when she is ready to give birth to her young — she would attach her body to the trunk of a tree, fixing herself so firmly and permanently to that tree that she would never leave again… the eggs deposited beneath her body were thus protected until the larvae were hatched and able to enter their own life cycle — as the mother towla died, the crimson fluid stained her body and the surrounding wood.  From the dead bodies of such females scarlet worms, new life would come — and this was the very source of the commercial scarlet dyes of antiquity…
When you look at the pathway of the 2024 eclipse — the 1st CROSS it covers is the Empty Cross ( a profound symbol of the resurrection, where every last detail of the cross speak profoundly of what the finished work of Jesus truly was… look it up)… and the park it is located in is called “Christ the Coming King!” — and it then makes a pathway to the next HUGE cross the Cross of Peace!!     Jesus in Lk 19: stood overlooking the city of Jerusalem and wept — why?  Because he knew what this moment meant — “if only you had know the things which would make for peace, you would not have missed your day of Visitation” —  in a parallel passage it says of “Jerusalem”– Jerusalem, Jerusalem — how I have longed to gather you as a hen gathers her chicks, but you would not…. (which a hen does when fire or danger comes, so as to protect them — she would willingly lay down her life for her chicks and protect them with her own body….  much like a crimson towla worm does when affixing herself to a tree — and in her death, the crimson secretion becomes life to the eggs to be hatched underneath…
Kind of profound!!   Hard to fathom the details of these stories and how they all intersect in one incalculable moment…    If we recognize it — it could well be a day of visitation that leads to a much better day — should we miss it, fail to respond — then there is the danger of the outcome of our unrepentant sin spilling over and making our house desolate!     the 1st cross was intentionally designed so as to sit on the exact parallel latitude as the city of Jerusalem over in Israel…
The very city of Jerusalem is prophesied for destruction, a judgment in Jeremiah 19, for which it will never be rebuilt — there are parallel warnings in Ezek…   to date, such prophesies are not fulfilled — because while Jerusalem has been destroyed twice before, it has been rebuilt — this next time, it will not… suggesting being wiped off the face of the earth by a nuclear weapon …    Such is the outcome, if the modern nation state of Israel  (which is Esau/Edom, not the Biblical Israel today) does not repent…. it will have had 76 years in the land as of 2024, and then God is likely to judge and evaluate her for what she has done with her time of having the birthright returned — and it has been nothing but war and bloodshed then entire time, for a region that knew peace nearly hundred if not thousands of years before 1948…   with Israel, being the primary aggressor and violator of the original terms that allowed her back in the land. (which is God making good on something he owed to Esau, for Jacob having defrauded him of his birthright back in Genesis … longer story)… Modern Zionism is Esau/Edom mixed with rebellious natural “bad fig” tribe of Judahites that rejected the rightful true King of Judah (JESUS) — and in the parable of the Vineyard in Luke 19 — the parable reveals they knew exactly what they were doing and who Jesus was — and they put him to death, so as to steal the land for themselves…. their outcome:  bring them before me and I will slay them.    yikes!   That is going to mess with a lot of people’s wrong perceptions of who is who in the land and what it all means…
I’m thinking the US (arguably the lost tribes of Israel, more specifically Manasseh to  England’s Jacob-Ephraim…  ) is coming precariously close to the same scenario — a day of visitation, but a failure to recognize it — an invitation to repent and return, looking unto the true Savior — as opposed to looking to a man/false savior — to save the day…   And what is at stake is huge!

God will and needs to bring judgment on Mystery Babylon and perhaps on those who have fully given themselves over to that evil
And even those who are the primary perpetrators, who revel in their plans (unless they repent) — and I think that is our present deep state that has been fully co-opted by the leaders of the modern nation state of Israel (who are.a mix of Edomites and Khazarian, synagogue of satan “jews”)… they are behind the international banksters, they run the mockingbird media and Hollywood, they are big tech and the censors of everything, they are the ones who took down Russia, who took down Germany, and who took over China — they have been behind most all the wars in the last 200 yrs when combined with Freemasonry, etc; they started and run the porn industry, they control education, they pushed the feminist movement, they are behind the abortion industry, and the whole homosexual and transgender mutilation movement and it all stems from the Babylonian Talmud and their worship of Satan… they have duped the world — are they aren’t even “Semites” but are from the lineage of Japheth…). YES, that whole system is ‘AntiChrist” –if we let John the apostle define the term, who is the only disciple to use that term…
Those who deny the son, Jesus — and he says you cannot claim to have a relationship with the Father if you deny the Son … as such — that whole crowd who has tyrannized the world — that system is what I think God is seeking to judge!!   …. But to everyone else caught in the crossfire— I think His heart of mercy is to redeem and save..    Sadly — I’m not hearing that message but from only a few….    ??    God is extravagantly full of mercy and totally inclined toward that — but as a righteous judge, he doesn’t just overlook stuff — we have to deal with it.   I believe these solar eclipses are our invitation.
Much like the generation of Jesus on the earth — Pilate offered the crowd:  Which “son of Abba” do you want?   Barabbas (which means ‘son of abba’) or Jesus —    the people of their day wanted a messiah who would kicked Rome’s ass and put them back in charge, one who would restore the temple and rule as King…   so they chose the MAGA guy of their day — the assassin who had tried to overthrow Rome…   They did not pick very wisely …   I would love to believe that Trump and the Maga movement was really the means by which we overthrow this deep state system and bring about an Exodus 2.0. and perhaps that is possible — but I’m most confident in picking the Jesus I know as opposed to the  groomed from childhood option of the elites…
I won’t pretend to understand it all … but I find these very sobering, weighty days, and yet I have a deep abiding sense of Hope, despite the storm.     I think it is in the midst of the storm that Jesus comes — and I for one want to be like Peter and cry out:  if that’s you Lord, command me to come to you” —  I think we have a mixture of great and awesome things that might happen, as well as a terrifying storm to navigate through — but once Jesus steps into the boat — he can fully calm the storm and get us to the far side of the lake where we were told to go. (which is not heaven) — but the close of this 2nd act, and an opening of the 3rd…

I don’t know what is going to happen… but I asked the Lord back in 2017 what this was, and the 7 years  between 2017 and 2024, back then I believe I heard Joseph-like marker as the prelude to the judgment on the Egyptians gods and our financial system. that’s what I understood it to mean— long before anyone discovered 8 Ninevahs, Jonah, Joppa, the Christ the King pathway to the Cross of Peace, the Aleph-Tav, and the parallels to the Fall of Babylon… I find this stuff stunning and the sheer probability that all this could coincide and MEAN SOMETHING is beyond insane….
It leaves me speechless and very much on my knees asking for mercy and for His message to be heard and rightly discerned, and to get out— that we as a nation might truly humble ourselves and return… turn to Him … stop looking for a savior other than Him….
40 days from April 8th is Pentecost !!! And this year unlike many others, all the various calendars ALL sync up globally and celebrate Pentecost on the exact same day!!    The encouraging implications could be outrageous… but it demands a humble response from humanity..

— that is what I’m hearing from the Father as I lean in and listen.”

Brad Cummings